One of the most impactful new mechanics in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is the addition of picnics. A wide range of previous mechanics, from breeding to Pokémon-Amie, have had their effects wrapped up into the new picnic experience.
By making sandwiches during picnics, players can give themselves Meal Powers based on the ingredients they use. These Meal Powers have a number of effects, from increasing the amount of experience points you gain to making it easier to catch wild Pokémon. For shiny hunting purposes, there are two relevant Meal Powers that come from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet sandwich recipes. The first is Sparkling Power, which increases your odds of finding shiny Pokémon. The second is Encounter Power, which increases your odds of finding Pokémon of a given type.
In addition, these picnics play a role in the hunt for shiny Pokémon through their sandwich making minigame. Here are the best sandwich recipes to help increase your odds of encountering shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Related:Â How to make a fair shiny sandwich on PC Invasion.
Best shiny sandwich recipes in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

With the right combination of three ingredients, you can gain access to both of these Meal Powers in order to attract nearby shiny Pokémon of a certain type. Here are the ideal sandwich recipes for finding shiny Pokémon of each type in Scarlet and Violet, as discovered by The_Time_Is_Nigh and Nanikos on
- Normal – one Chorizo and two Salty Herba Mysticas
- Fire – one Basil, one Salty Herba Mystica and one Sweet Herba Mystica
- Water – one Cucumber and two Salty Herba Mysticas
- Grass – one Lettuce, one Salty Herba Mystica and one Sour Herba Mystica
- Flying – one Prosciutto and two Salty Herba Mysticas
- Fighting – one serving of Pickles and two Salty Herba Mysticas
- Poison – one serving of Noodles and two Salty Herba Mysticas
- Electric – one Yellow Bell Pepper, one Salty Herba Mystica and one Spicy Herba Mystica
- Ground – one Ham and two Salty Herba Mysticas
- Rock – one Jalapeno and two Salty Herba Mysticas
- Psychic – one Onion and two Salty Herba Mysticas
- Ice – one Klawf Stick and two Salty Herba Mysticas
- Bug – one Cherry Tomato and two Salty Herba Mysticas
- Ghost – one Red Onion and two Salty Herba Mysticas
- Steel – one Hamburger, one Salty Herba Mystica and one Sweet Herba Mystica
- Dragon – one Avocado and two Salty Herba Mysticas
- Dark – one Smoked Fillet, one Salty Herba Mystica and one Sweet Herba Mystica
- Fairy – one Tomato and two Salty Herba Mysticas
Published: Nov 22, 2022 03:29 pm